The website


Initially set up to have a brief overview for myself, but now also to be able to share this information with others. A short description per instrument supplemented with some photos. For "to educate and entertain" for those who have a similar collection or who want to build one.

In addition, you will find some instructions and tips that may be useful when you are about to purchase something. What can you do to check in time whether there is something wrong with your intended purchase? And what does it take to get something from abroad, for example, and what do you have to pay attention to?



Gitaar verzameling


In the meantime, a large part of my collection due to lack of space has been packed and temporarily housed elsewhere:



About me


Someone with a passion for the (electric) guitar. The result is a collection built up over the years, as there must be many more in the Netherlands. Not expensive or very special copies, but just a nice cross-section of what must have been in the hands of many a guitarist over the past 65 years. A collection that is not only fun to look at, but is especially worth using.

Most instruments that are collected are "made in USA". In addition to playing guitar and collecting, I have become increasingly concerned with adjusting, repairing and (re) building guitars.

Feel free to contact me if there are any questions or concerns.

